Services Category: Service

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Everything Else

What else can we do for you? Send us a message or request a meeting. We would be happy to chat with you about public speaking engagements, bulk book orders, partnerships, rights management or whatever else is on your mind. Contact Us

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In-depth Customized Advice

We offer a range of customized advice tailored to your specifics needs, be it for a company, line of business, division or department. AI Portfolio Jump Start – we work with you and your team to explore, evaluate, expand define and deliver a portfolio of at least 5 viable, high value AI projects you can

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Online Classes and Certification

Our online classes that take our book’s content to the next level. Deepen your understanding and experience in what it takes to be successful in using AI to deliver business value. These classes are modern, engaging and includes cutting edge content available nowhere else. This service is in a limited beta at present. Sign-up below

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Insider Newsletter – AI Bullseye Tactics

The Insider Newsletter goes deeper than the public newsletter and helps better explain the ‘why’ an AI topic is important or is deceptive hype so you make better decisions. The insider newsletter also reinforces concepts from our book applied to today’s hot AI news. When you subscribe to the insider newsletter you also get periodic